Saturday, May 18, 2013

Truth and Tolerance

This week in class we discussed a lot about culture. I was purposed this question,  Are all cultures equal in terms of being right and wrong, good and bad? Do we have the right to proclaim one set of values to be better than another? I believe that all cultures are different. There are some that are similar to each other. I do not think that cultures are equal in being right and wrong, good or bad. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone's culture. There are certain aspects that one may agree with and there are aspects that one might disagree with. We do not have the right to proclaim one set of values to better than another. That would be judging and the Lord has commanded us not to judge one another. This reminds of an article that my boyfriend had me read about a couple and their culture. The couple believed in faith healing. Faith healing is when someone believes in the power of prayer to heal another. So this couple lost their child because they did not take their child to get the proper care ( they has already lost a previous child). I DO NOT think what they did is right in any way but that is their culture. I do not agree with their culture but I am not going to say that my culture is better than theirs. We need to respect peoples cultures whether or not we agree with it. I had the opportunity to read Elder Dallin H. Oaks CES devotional talk "Truth and Tolerance." I believe that this devotional explains how we as members as the church need to handle different cultures. Here is this link to the devotional.

And I also purpose the same question to everyone.  Are all cultures equal in terms of being right and wrong, good and bad? Do we have the right to proclaim one set of values to be better than another?

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