Saturday, May 11, 2013

This week in class we talked mostly about theories and related them to families. There were four theories that we discussed in class and they were the conflict theory, exchange theory, family systems theory, and the symbolic interaction theory. The conflict theory is seeking to get important things and exerting it through power. The exchange theory is like "you owe me one." So if I do something for you, I except something in return. BUT I am not like that, that was just an example. The family systems theory is how a family functions as a unit. There are subsystems with in families. With this theory we talked about family roles. This got me to thinking about what role I play in my family and what the other members in my family play. My family background is a complicated one, so this week was interesting for me. I know that when I start a family that I want to be able to have a strong connection with my husband (whoever that may be) and be able to have a functioning family. One system that did stand out to me a lot was the symbolic interaction theory. This theory is the perception regarding behavior is more important than the behavior. This stood out to me because my boyfriend and I got into a disagreement about a situation because he perceived my actions the wrong way. Do not worry though everything is just fine. ;] On another note I am not sure what project that I am going to do, the genogram or the family system project. I think that both of these would be difficult because my family situation is complicated. Anyways I am really enjoying this class and it gets me excited to start a family one day.

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